Sportifs and Coming events for 2024.
Saturday 16th March : La Titanica, La Palma, Tenerife, 138kms / 3500metres.
Sunday 2nd March : Sierra de la Pila, Murcia.
Sunday 21st April : La Gamba, Denia , 140kms / 2800metres.
Sunday 16th April : Memorial Juan Vera, Cartagena.
Saturday 20th April : Sierra De Albacete, Albacete, 152kms / 3500metres.
Saturday 20th April : 10 Picos, Siera De Espadan, Castellon, 138kms / 3000metres.
Saturday 27th April : Mallorca 312, Mallorca, 312kms / 5000metres.
Sunday 28th April : Desafio Cimas De Blanca, Blanca.
Sunday 4th May : Marcha Valencia, Valencia, 190kms / 2800metres.
Sunday 4th May : Rompe Piernas de Albudiete, Albudiete.
Saturday 18th May : Vuelta de Tiede, Tenerife, 175kms / 4400metres.
Sunday 12th May : Nor Extreme, Hervas, 172kms / 3800metre.
Sunday 28th April : Desafio Cimas de Blanca, Blanca.
Sunday 19th May : Sierra Moratalla, Moratalla, 180kms / 2800metres.
Sunday 2th June : La Aitana Tour, Callosa, Calpe, 145kms / 2800metres.
Sunday 11th June : La Selva Gallardo, Albacete, 163kms / 1900metres.
Saturday 22nd June : Quebrantahuesos, 200km / 4000metres One of the toughest sportifs in Europe the QUEBRANTAHUESOS which means the bone crusher. Normally 20000 people apply for 12000 places and only 8000 finish. Not for the faint hearted. A REAL CHALLENGE.
Saturday 20th July : La Indurain Sportif, Pamplona, 180km / 3000metres.