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Health benefits

Cycling ‘Improves your Health & Wellbeing’

Getting on your bike regularly not only gets you where you want to go, sometimes faster than a car, but also protects you against certain illnesses, improves your cardio vascular system, reduces levels of depression and stress and makes you feel better by raising your self-esteem. Cycling everyday where the exercise leaves you breathing heavily but not out of breath, is an effective and enjoyable form of aerobic exercise – very effective at promoting good health and wellbeing. Cycling reduces the risk of many serious health conditions and there are no age barriers. People of most fitness levels, of all body shapes can cycle, slowly and gently if necessary. What sets cycling apart from most forms of exercise is how well it fits into our busy, modern lifestyles.

Apart from the bicycle itself (and a recommended safety helmet) no other equipment is needed. Instead of spending time in a car, spend it on your bike. How much you ride depends on you, your fitness and your lifestyle. New cyclists could start by using the bike to pop down to the local shops or post office, gradually increasing the distance covered. In a few weeks aerobic fitness will have improved and you will be able to ride for miles without feeling any more than a little puffed out. Whichever form of cycling you choose, remember to have fun! Bicycles are also a good way of saving money – use your bike for short trips instead of a car.

It costs a lot less to have your bike serviced, there are no parking problems and no fuel or road tax to pay. In order to enjoy cycling the choice of cycle is important. Fun only starts if the cycle is comfortable. This can be achieved with the proper type of cycle, correct frame size and saddle, handlebar and seat adjustments etc. So, look after your body’s health and wellbeing and ‘GET ON YER BIKE!‘

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Monday to Friday 09.00-17.00

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