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Cycle Hire


If you haven't tried an E-Bike before then this is the way to go, you will go further, get fitter, burn more calories and it makes cycling enjoyable again. We have a fleet of La-Pierre Urban E-Bikes all with Bosch motors for rent. All bikes come fully kitted with rear racks puncture repair kits, pump, lock and battery charger. These bikes are available in the following sizes:  S, M, L, XL.

A member of our team will explain how the bike operates. 

3 Days


4 Days


5 Days


6 Days


7 Days


For more than 7 days is €150 for the week plus an additional €15 per day
All prices include helmets, pump, cycle lock, bottle holders and repair kits. Advice, routemaps, guides and tours are available on request.

A fully refundable deposit of €50 (Road bikes, Electric Bikes and Tandems €200) is required PER BIKE (THIS MUST BE PAID IN CASH). Photographic I.D. of the main hirer must also be shown i.e. Passport, Residencia, Drivers Licence.

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Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 09.00-17.00

Saturday 10.00-14.00

Sunday closed

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