Bikes Fitting | Cyclogical
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Bikes Fitting

Expert Bike fitting and advice

Now available from BioMecanic Amadeo Ortiz Murcia who has many years of experience setting up bikes for individuals and teams, professionals and amateurs.

It is very important to get your riding position set and adjusted to improve your comfort and performance by analysing pedal action, foot stability, rider asymmetry and rider interaction with both saddle and handlebars. So give us a call now to book your Bike Fit.

Increase your power with the h.e.p. system

Health / ergonomics / performance

Book your bike fit

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The importance of an ideal cycling position

It reduces the risk of injury

A bad position on the bicycle may cause injuries by putting excessive stress on the joint system, tendons and ligaments, and it can even cause a spinal imbalance, impairing the spine and causing medical condition.

Greater ergonomics and comfort

When all the muscular forces work in a balanced way, we experience, despite the effort, a feeling of comfort that allows maximum efficiency.

It maximizes efficiency

The bicycle components can and must be adjusted to the dimensions of each individual’s body to ensure maximum stability and the highest possible efficiency.

The evolution cycling needs


Much of the injuries are caused by pedaling a bicycle withe inadequate dimensions or poor posture on it. The biomechanics setting prevents injuries, prevents pain, reduces fatigue and promotes properties growth.


It is what determines effective functionality. Travel more comfortably, maximize efficiency and enhance safety. Being well seated and in a conformable way avoids pain and grants a position of dynamism and coherence.


Determined the appropriate components, adjusting the position, improving the gestural efficiency will achieve the highest possible efficiency within the capabilities of each person. Increasing strength speed, endurance and flexibility.

Our products


Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 09.00-17.00

Saturday 10.00-14.00

Sunday closed

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